Name of activity/titleInnovation Day
Domain/actionDomain 2: Strengthening partnerships
– New collaborations

Domain 3: Contribution to developing innovations and businesses
– Structures for creating start-ups
– Structures for innovation- driven research
Goal of activity/short summaryAnnual event to showcase innovative projects, TTO-cases, and spin-outs from Campus Ås. The aim of the event is to i) connect stakeholders from all sides of the knowledge triangle, and to ii) offer an arena for early-stage research-driven innovation projects to present their ideas in a commercial setting. Each year between 10-20 cases has been presented. All presenters are offered pitch training before the event.
Type of stakeholders involvedStudents, academics, non-academics, external audiences such as enterprises, entrepreneurship and innovation support structures, public sector, investors.
Description how conductedThe Innovation Day is organized in cooperation by the Stakeholders in the innovation ecosystem at Campus Ås (Student Innovation Labs at NMBU, the TTO-office Ard Innovation, Aggregator Incubator Ås and the NMBU Research Support Office). The event is normally organized in October.
Resources required Cooperation between people in the I&E ecosystem. A lead resource that coordinates the event. Network to invite stakeholders. Venue/auditorium to host the event. 
Lessons learned/success factorsSuccessful implementation requires active and targeted recruitment of both presenters and audience. Individual pitch training for each presenter has been successful both in respect of clear communication, but also to open the academic presenters mindset towards a more commercial way of presenting their projects.   
KeywordsAnnually since 2021
Link (if relevant) 
Partner who submitted the practiceNorwegian University of Life Sciences
KeywordsInvestor presentation, pitch training, innovation networks, industry partnerships, research-driven innovation