The project is divided into five work packages (WPs). Each WP has a set of deliverables (PU- public, RD- restricted dissemination).

WP1. Coordination and Management

WP1 leader: NMBU.

The aim of WP1 is to ensure the overall implementation of the project activities, including legal, financial and administrative coordination, internal communication and communication with EIT, monitoring of project activities and quality assurance, innovation and knowledge management procedures, and updating and implementation of the IVAP, incl. transferability plan to ensure institutionalization of the IVAP beyond the funding period.

Progress of the project is monitored by an Executive Board.

WP1 is divided into 4 tasks:

  • Overall management and administrative coordination
  • Internal communication
  • IVAP coordination and quality assessment
  • Innovation and knowledge management


  • D1.1. Idea reporting template (Aug 2022), PU
  • D1.2. Report on Gender Analysis (Nov 2022), RD
  • D1.3. Reflection of Phase 1 (Dec 2022)
  • D1.4. Final report   (Jun 2024)

WP2. Capacity building in the institutions

WP2 leader: NMBU

The aim of WP2 is to strengthen internal support systems and structures for innovation and entrepreneurship (financial, administrative and knowledge) within the institutions. This will be achieved by assessing and mapping of the present procedures, structures and policies, reflecting and sharing of experience and updating the institutional frameworks, I&E support systems and structures.

WP2 is divided into 4 tasks:

  • Exchange of good practice
  • Development of policies and frameworks
  • Implementation of policies and frameworks
  • Training of non-academics


  • D2.1. Roadmap to improve and exchange innovation capacity and innovation systems/ structures. (Dec 2022), PU
  • D2.2. Framework institutional capacity building in NOBALIS (Apr 2024), PU
  • D2.3. Introduction course in innovation management for non-academic staff (May 2024)

WP3. Enhancing the quality of innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) education

WP3 leader: SLU

The aim of WP3 is ensure a qualitative leap in HEIs I&E education. This will be achieved by combining training of academics, development of curricula, transfer and institutionalization of I&E curricula through student training and evaluation of the process.

WP3 is divided into 4 tasks:

  • Building the capacity to teach innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Development of innovation and entrepreneurship curricula
  • Transfer and institutionalization of I&E curricula into educational context
  • Development of a quality assurance system for the curricula


  • D3.1. Phase 1 teaching modules for I&E curricula, with guidelines (Sep 2022), PU

  • D3.2. Phase 2 teaching modules for I&E curricula, with guidelines (Dec 2023), PU
  • D3.3. Report based on quality insurance system of the curricula (May 2024)

WP4. NOBALIS Entrepreneurial and Innovation capacity development (EICD) program

WP4 leader: BIA

WP4 delivers the NOBALIS EICD program focusing start-up and scale-ups in the fields of food, bioresources and biotechnologies. The program provides support for students, academic and non-academic staff and mixed teams in development of ideas into new products and services. This will be achieved through Hackathons, mentorship, intense development sessions, Demo Days and ecosystem stakeholder engagement.

WP4 is divided into 7 tasks:

  • Program preparation and selection of participants
  • Hackathon and matchmaking event
  • Student track: mentoring sessions
  • Staff track: mentoring sessions
  • Specific support to start-ups and student-staff teams
  • Final event and Demo Day
  • Roadmap for follow-up activities


  • D4.1. Phase I report on the Entrepreneurial and Innovation capacity development programme (Dec 2022), PU
  • D4.2. D4.2. Phase II report on the Entrepreneurial and Innovation capacity development programme (May 2024)

WP5. Communication and Dissemination

WP5 leader: EULS

The aim of WP5 is to ensure efficient and timely internal and external communication for effective implementation of the project, and to maximize the impact of the project with optimal dissemination of good practices and with long-term exploitation and transfer of knowledge and learning experiences.

WP5 is divided into 4 tasks:

  • Preparation and Implementation of Communication and Dissemination Plan
  • Ideabank for partnership activities
  • Videos on good practices
  • Final conference


  • D5.1. Communication and dissemination plan (Aug 2022), PU
  • D5.2. Report on communication and dissemination activities (interim report Dec 2022, final report May 2024)
    • Interim report, PU
  • D5.3. Ideabank for partnership activities (interim version 2022, final version Jun 2024)
    • Interim report, PU