Name of activity/titleThe DNA of a Businessman- A Master Class with Entrepreneurs
Domain/actionDomain 2: Strengthening partnerships
– Exchange of good practice

Domain 4: Enhancing the quality of innovation and entrepreneurial education
– Innovation and entrepreneurial curricula
Goal of activity/short summaryAn annual event in which students meet entrepreneurs from different sectors, get to know their experience in business, and work together in creating new business ideas and/or innovations.
 Type of stakeholders involvedUniversities, enterprises, students
Description how conductedIt is organized once a year during a Spring semester. It is a one-day event, but the students pre-apply for participation in the event. The event has three parts: 1) meeting and discussion with entrepreneurs about their experience in business, success conditions, and difficulties; 2) master classes in groups with entrepreneurs in creating a business, planning its development, and solving problem-based cases; 3) group presentations of the result from master classes.
Resources required Facilities (meeting rooms for discussions, presentations, and parallel master classes. Contact network with entrepreneurs from different sectors.
Lessons learned/success factorsA strong network with enterprises is needed for selecting both lecturers and sponsors for the event. Successful implementation requires long-term communication with students and preparing their interaction and participation in the event
Time period Annual
Link (if relevant)
Partner who submitted the practiceLatvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
Key wordsExperience exchange, problem-solving, master classes