Name of activity/titleSmart Thursday- series of seminars/webinars bringing together enterprises and scientist for R&D collaboration
Domain/actionDomain 2: Strengthening partnerships
– New collaborations
– Exchange of good practices
Goal of activity/short summarySeminars/webinars organized by Estonian R&D network Adapter that includes all universities and other R&D organizations with the aim to facilitate access to R&D services. Smart Thursday seminar combines presentations from enterprises and industry on their product development, presentations from the university side and support structures on financing options.
Type of stakeholders involvedEnterprises, universities, R&D institutions, and research support organizations. 
Description how conductedSmart Thursday seminars/webinars are planned and organized by the different parties throughout the year and organization, information dissemination on the event etc. is supported by the R&D network Adapter.
Resources required Facilities for a physical event or a virtual seminar.  
Lessons learned/success factorsSuccessful implementation requires active communication with industry and universities to raise interests, information dissemination through variety of networks on the event taking place.
Time period Since 2016
Link (if relevant)N/A
Partner who submitted the practiceEstonian University of Life Sciences
KeywordsProduct development, R&D services, innovation networks, industry partnerships.