Name of activity/titleThe week of graduates’ lectures
Domain/actionDomain 2: Strengthening partnerships
– Exchange of good practice
Goal of activity/short summaryAnnual event which aim is to strengthen the cooperation and exchange of ideas between students and entrepreneurs, who are graduates of the same study programs.
Type of stakeholders involvedUniversities, entrepreneurs-graduates, students
Description how conductedOrganized once a year in faculties of university. The week is scheduled in October, during the first part of the semester – in the period when students, especially 1st year, establishes their program’s profile understanding and research identity. The organizers of the week of graduates in the faculty rotate each year for ensuring different focuses and cooperation with graduates from different study programs.
Resources required (if relevant)Scheduling of time and place in faculties, easy accessibility for students. Contact network with graduates. Interest and interaction from students and teachers.
Lessons learned/success factorsFor successful implementation a networking with graduates and a cooperation with teachers are needed. The most successful way in providing students interaction is to organize the meeting with graduates during lecture schedule – as a part of study courses.
Time period (if relevant)Annual
Link (if relevant)
Partner who submitted the practiceLatvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
Key wordsGraduates, networking, exchange of experience