NOBALIS partners met in a virtual consortium meeting to review activities of Phase 1 and plan for Phase 2. NOBALIS consortium submitted the Phase 1 report for review to EIT on the January 6th. The decision if the project proceeds for Phase 2 will come by January 27th. However, partners have started planning for Phase 2 activities: what are the KPIs, tasks and planned activities and specified the Gantt chart and budget changes. WP2 will proceed with development and updating of HEI policies and frameworks in the first half of 2023. In the second half, the focus will be in elaborating implementation plans and long-term impacts. The WP3 activities with engagement of new academic staff into innovation and entrepreneurship module development and peer learning will kick off in February. WP4 activities with support to start-ups will be mostly scheduled in the second half of 2023, but in the first half it is important to get the information out, review the first edition and update the NOBALIS EICD plan. WP5 activities will focus on disseminating information on upcoming activities and on videos, idea bank prepared in 2022.